BTW.: Great guys, that you are still doing so many missions using ALiVE! That's really great! Love ya guys!
BTW.: Great guys, that you are still doing so many missions using ALiVE! That's really great! Love ya guys!
ahh and another useful hint!
You can use SEVERAL Civ placement modules if you want specific locations being selected. You can f.e. use one module where you filter for type "power" and another module where you filter for "comms" and another one where you filter for "fuel". Sync all three to the asymm commander and it will specifically target those installations!
Thanks for replying HH :)
Thanks for replying Savage
thanks for replying spyder
You're the man @highhead. Thanks!
*Group Hugs*
Latest ALiVE Team pic
WTF are you doing standing around posing? Don't you have code to write?!?
Get back to making my game better for free tia
Thanks a lot HH, that was very very useful. I appreciate you taking the time to break the mode down like that. It answered a lot questions I always wondered about.
Thanks for replying.
I flirt with you all the time in math class
Yeah the examples are epic:
Lol at the most overused word next to fail. :) I used to post Operation Sports a lot and at one point they banned "epic" through their filter as a swear word because everyone was using it to describe everything.
@highhead I have a couple of questions about this from a different perspective. In a mission I am working on and close to finishing I have a group of players playing as the insurgents with another group playing as a US SOCOM Unconventional Warfare task force to assist those same insurgents against an AI occupying force.
Would it be best to setup the AI faction as the occupation or invasion in this mission?
As it stands now I have them set to where the civilians are low hostility against the Independents (Player insurgents) and Blufor (SOCOM task force) but high against AI. Is there a way to set the AI faction to a point where they would be able to lower the hostility level of the civilians against them and through player mistakes (ie...killing civilians, collateral damage, etc...) have the Civilians increasingly hate the Independents?
@HeroesandvillainsOS Yeah the examples are epic:
Lol at the most overused word next to fail. :) I used to post Operation Sports a lot and at one point they banned "epic" through their filter as a swear word because everyone was using it to describe everything.
The most overused word these days is literally "literally".
I use it a lot too. Bad habit. :(
I Iiterally use that word all the time
Also it's like people don't know the meaning of the word... they stay literally but they mean figuratively.