Map Indexing

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    Alright, so..

    The guys from Faces of War personally ran deWRP for me and gave me a WRP_Objects text file for the map. How would I get ALIVE to recognize this, and proceed to the object categorize portion? Currently, I cannot reach that as the program is still insistent on running deWRP for its own defined PBO (which is not possible, as the one I have is still encrypted). - the objects for the map as defined by the dev's deWRP.

  3. @Tupolov @marceldev89 ?

  4. If you place the file objects.fow_map_tarawa.sqf in the @ALiVE\indexing\fow_map_tarawa\x\alive\addons\fnc_strategic\indexes\ folder the plugin should detect it and skip the DeWrp process.

  5. Did that initially and it does not work - skips the Object Categorization process and goes straight to indexing without any objects defined

  6. So it does skip the DeWrp process? Did you set the "Object Categorization" option in the indexing module to enabled?

  7. Edited 7 years ago by Burdy323

    Yeah, Leaving Object Categorization on yes in this case doesn't run deWRP, but goes straight into generating sector data

  8. In the meantime :

    Merderet V2 index

  9. @Friznit

  10. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Burdy323 you're on fire! Good work!

  11. @Burdy323 Yeah, Leaving Object Categorization on yes in this case doesn't run deWRP, but goes straight into generating sector data

    Can you get the me the RPT file and the log in the indexing folder from a session where it does what you're describing?

  12. Here ya go


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