Favorite Unit Packs

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    Since we already have a thread discussing favorite maps, I figured we should have a thread discussing your favorite unit packs/troop packs to use in your ALiVE missions.

    Here is my top 5.

    1. 3CB British Unit Pack
    Pros: So pretty they almost make me want to get British Citizenship! Outstanding detail, equipment randomization so troops have great individuality, wonderful unit structure, troop description. Interactive functionality on vehicles, including a wonderful rearming module for Helicopters. My all time favorite pack.

    Cons: Units are actually split into 4 different mods: 3CB Vehicles, 3CB Equipment, 3CB Weapons, 3CB Units so it is kind of a chore downloading all 4 packs. But well worth it in my opinion. Work great with alive.

    2. Massi's Unit Packs
    Pros: VARIETY!! African troops, Asian Troops, Middle Eastern...literally every corner of the globe is covered by Massi's various packs. Wonderful detail/quality and works wonderfully with other unit packs.

    Cons: Can't think of many. Unit Packs are not in one giant download so you'll have to download each "theater" pack of which there are several. Works perfectly with ALiVE. Even has "HD" versions which means "high dispersal" i.e. firefights last longer with less accurate enemies if preferred by the mission maker.

    3. CAF Aggressors
    Pros: For my money, the best "insurgent" pack out there. Have African, Middle Eastern, and European insurgents. Wonderful unit sizes, with 4, 6, and 8 man squads to better fit insurgent size units. Best looking Taliban faction by a country mile IMO. Also can use the RHS add on which gives these guys RHS weapons.

    Cons: It's old and O'Halley appears to have dropped off the face of the earth. Not updated for 1.54 armor values, but not that big of a deal seeing as how 95% of these guys don't wear body armor. Built specifically for ALiVE so works beautifully.

    4. CUP
    Pros: More pros by the day. This mod is super active and added to almost weekly now. Incredible amount of content already available. One of the major contributors is Tupolov, so of course, everything will be "ALiVE" friendly with him on board.

    Cons: Not as "pretty" as the other mods right now. Most assets are direct ports from A2 so they aren't going to be as highly detailed as the custom made for A3 units. But they still look "good". Just not "great".

    5. RHS Escalation
    Pros: Beautiful..the best looking troops in ARMA 3. Super highly detailed, very realistic and also have an immense library of troops, vehicles, and support items for both US and Russian forces. Also has an Insurgent faction based on Eastern Europe. Really really nice pack.

    Cons: Doesn't like to play with others. Developers stubborn to a fault about "working with other mods". If you use RHS, they want you to ONLY use RHS and nothing else, which isn't a realistic expectation with so many great mods out there. Uses a completely different damage system for it's pack than every other mod pack in ARMA which can cause "invincibility issues" and other bad mojo.

    RHS does work very well with ALiVE in my experience.

    Honorable mention goes to:

    Spanish Army Mod
    Pros: This is an RHS level of detail in this mod, dealing specifically with the Spanish Army. Tons of vehicles, support craft, and troop types. Essentially it's "RHS Spain". Great pack. Works beautifully with ALiVE. Not many people know about this pack but it's very impressive in its quantity and quality.

    Cons: The developers sporadically update but the pack hasn't been updated since 1.54 came out so armor values haven't been fixed. Only Spanish forces included, no insurgents in this pack.

  2. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Nice thread. CAF and 3CB are my go-to's right now. Love em! One con I guess you could add to 3CB though is the lack of land vehicles. I wish they had an MRAP of sorts (I have no clue if the Brits even use an MRAP variant. Just saying I wish they had one. The Jackal's/Coyote's leave you a little exposed in IED territory).

    CAF con may be that ALiVE doesn't spawn enough vehicles with technicals on them without the use of an override in the modules.

    But yeah, those are my favorites. 3CB especially. They use very high quality assets!

    Massi's UKSF is pretty great too. A little low quality in the assets and vehicles with the wheel on the wrong side (probably due to the NATO Russian Vehicles) (etc) but it's good for a special forces pack.

  3. Sometimes low quality is best though, if there are lots of players. Too many poly's for an object can bog down frames.

  4. @dixon13 Sometimes low quality is best though, if there are lots of players. Too many poly's for an object can bog down frames.

    So the ALiVE exclusive HerosandvillainsOS Stick Figure Pack will be a big hit with groups when I release it then? ;)

  5. @HeroesandvillainsOS  So the ALiVE exclusive HerosandvillainsOS Stick Figure Pack will be a big hit with groups when I release it then? ;)

    Guaranteed 1000 frames

  6. Friznit

    11 Feb 2016 Administrator

    UK Forces uses the Ridgback PPV, so you can bung Cleggy's into the mix if you need it. Sadly the RKSL Foxhound never got ported to A3, cos that was a lovely mod and would neatly complete the UK arsenal.

  7. Burnes Foxhound fits the bill for our group Friz. I use it in conjunction with 3CB.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @AUTigerGrad Burnes Foxhound fits the bill for our group Friz. I use it in conjunction with 3CB.

    Well holy shit. It's been awhile since I noticed in your missions how great Burnes Foxhound is. I just added it to my Reshmaan mission for my 3CB units and yes! That will do perfectly! Best part of all it also fits me and my 5 AI squad mates. Thanks!

  9. Good idea on the thread!

    Anyone used Leights recently? I know that's a fairly popular one for a lot of Alive users but has a couple of issues (the one I know about being too large unit sizes for ALiVE).

    Also, the Iraqi-Syrian Conflict Mod is pretty cool, the advantage for me over massi's being that it uses the epic RHS weapons (with their awesome sounds!). Offers ISIS, Al-Nusra, Peshmerga and a few others I think, with ISIS and Nusra both available in OPFOR and INDFOR variants. Looks like it's on the cusp of being updated.

  10. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Meh. I'm done with Leights. Honestly, it's a terrible faction mod especially with ALiVE. I hate to be so critical and I wish it could be made with better care (I love the look of the ISIS fighters and the vehicles) but not only are the configs bad, but it's always possible with every update he may make huge changes to which side certain factions are on and missions can break without warning.

  11. I love Massi stuff BUT, it does not have correct ACE3 Ballistics. All weapons show up as 5.56 caliber and have the 556 ballistics. So far, Massi has not updated his configs even though I have asked him to fix the ACE3 compat configs.

  12. Anyone know a good Russian Federation faction outside RHS, the CUP Russian Federation is just CSAT troops with some AKs (at least that's what spawning for OPFOR when I use them).

  13. @vaguswarrior Anyone know a good Russian Federation faction outside RHS, the CUP Russian Federation is just CSAT troops with some AKs (at least that's what spawning for OPFOR when I use them).

    Massi's Spetsnaz/Russian Federatuon pack is nice.

  14. @AUTigerGrad Massi's Spetsnaz/Russian Federatuon pack is nice.

    This is perfect! Combined with the 3CB British, I'm only using a few small RHS elements for static objectives to destroy. Only problem I'm finding is 3CB Alive AI commanders never spawn any vehicle groups, it's all just infantry huffing it to the objective.

  15. The vehicles are under a different faction name. If you add the vehicle faction name to the AI Commander module, they'll spawn vehicles.

  16. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    edit: ninja'd by AUT

  17. Add them to the placement modules too ;)

  18. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @AUTigerGrad The vehicles are under a different faction name. If you add the vehicle faction name to the AI Commander module, they'll spawn vehicles.

    Really? Good to know! What's the faction name? It's not listed in the OP over at the 3CB Vehicles BIS page.

    EDIT: How balanced are the configs? I kind of like placing and syncing my own with the Virtual AI to limit the spawning but on a large map I could see enjoying having them auto generate as time progresses.

  19. Yeah I'm doing a mission on CUP Zargabad but the distances are too far for infantry to just spawn and run...vehicles would help, especially if they are just motorized not mechanized. Right now I have ambient vehicles turned on but they are just spawning HEMTT trucks. So having some ambient jackals or coyotes would be great, although the logistical variety seems to mess royally with ACE repair modules.

  20. @vaguswarrior Yeah I'm doing a mission on CUP Zargabad but the distances are too far for infantry to just spawn and run...vehicles would help, especially if they are just motorized not mechanized. Right now I have ambient vehicles turned on but they are just spawning HEMTT trucks. So having some ambient jackals or coyotes would be great, although the logistical variety seems to mess royally with ACE repair modules.

    Autigergrad is helping out on the faction name over in this thread: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/174743-3cb-baf-vehicles/page-13

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