AA Unit Blacklist

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  2. 8 years ago

    Desired Outcome:
    I am trying to prevent any CUP Takistan Army and Militia AA Units from being spawned in my current mission.

    Methods I've Attempted:
    Most recently I have used the above mentioned method - ie. pasting the following into the init field of the ALiVE Required module;


    I have also attempted to use the script method - ie. calling from the init.sqf;

    //--- ALiVE Unit/Group Blacklist
    spawn compile preprocessFile "scripts\staticData.sqf";

    Which then calls the following script, "staticData.sqf"

    //--- ALiVE Custom Blacklist
    //--- Source: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Custom_Blacklists
    waitUntil {!isnil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"}:

    The number of AA spawned is greatly diminished - ie. ghosting about and teleporting from unit to unit does not show any AA units. However, as soon as a take off and fly about, Igla AA missiles start flying in.

    The only factions that are in the mission are the CUP Takistani Army and MIlitia units - neither of those factions use vehicles with AA missiles. AA guns like the Ural and Static ZSU-23 are fine, I'm just trying to remove guided AA missiles.

    Any thoughts? Anything I am obviously overlooking?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. That seems odd.. if you are teleporting around and not seeing AA guys I don't see how flying around would be any different...

    It's possible vehicle guys are spawning with Iglas... ie: if there is a motorized group it might contain AA guys... try limiting the spawns to infantry only and see if that gets rid of it

  4. It's possible vehicle guys are spawning with Iglas... ie: if there is a motorized group it might contain AA guys

    I thought of that as well ... plunked down all of the groups (motorized / mechanized) in the editor last night and had a look ... not one Igla in the mix.

    A thought I just had ... do I also need to specify what groups not to spawn in the CQB module? In my above example I only specify groups in the GROUPBLACKLIST.

    Is it possible that GROUPBLACKLIST only applies to military and military / civilian placement modules but not the CQB ones?

    Other thought ... I have two CBQ modules in my mission - one specifying civilian placements and the other specific to strategic locations. Is it possible that that is causing an issue?

    Sorry to throw all these questions at once, I've been trying to resolve this for more than a week now.


  5. highhead

    3 May 2016 Administrator

    Can you please upload a mission somewhere with only ALiVE, CUP and CBA which demonstrates the issue (somewhat) and I will take a look at it!

    Thanks Comrade

  6. I will do that tonight and get back to you when that's done.

    Thanks again.

  7. A thought I just had ... do I also need to specify what groups not to spawn in the CQB module? In my above example I only specify groups in the GROUPBLACKLIST.

    If you are running CQB then yes

  8. If you are running CQB then yes

    Many thanks that was the fix ... I needed to add the two group names to the ALIVE_MIL_CQB_CUSTOM_UNITBLACK entry as well. Now there are no AA Missile units on the map - it makes flying much easier.

    Thanks so much for your help.

    My final code block that I put in the init field of the ALiVE Required module looks like this;

  9. Thanks for sharing the solution :)

  10. Thanks added that snippet to the wiki - it's a fairly common question


  11. highhead

    4 May 2016 Administrator

    Thanks for catching that! I got the feeling it is actually something different, as CQB doesnt use cfgGroups, I need to take a look at that still!

  12. highhead

    4 May 2016 Administrator

    So I put those in required ALiVE module and I didnt get a single AA guy created (tested with blu vs. red).


    ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_VEHICLEBLACKLIST = ["I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F","B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F","O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F","AA_01_base_F","B_static_

    ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = ["B_soldier_AA_F","B_soldier_AAA_F","I_Soldier_AA_F","I_Soldier_AAA_F","O_Soldier_AA_F","O_Soldier_AAA_F","O_soldierU_AA_F","O_soldierU_AAA_F"];

    ALiVE_MIL_CQB_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = ["B_soldier_AA_F","B_soldier_AAA_F","I_Soldier_AA_F","I_Soldier_AAA_F","O_Soldier_AA_F","O_Soldier_AAA_F","O_soldierU_AA_F","O_soldierU_AAA_F"];

    vanilla ofc.

  13. highhead

    4 May 2016 Administrator

    incl. CUP and Massi, was to lazy to clean it up by hand. could be tweaked.

    ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_GROUPBLACKLIST = ["BUS_mas_med_InfTeam_AA_b_hd","BUS_mas_medinshd_InfTeam_AA_b","OIA_InfTeam_AA","OIA_MotInf_AA","OIA_MechInf_AA","OIA_TankPlatoon_AA","ORG_InfTeam_AA","CUP_O_RU_InfSection_AA","CUP_O_RU_InfSection_AA_EMR","CUP_O_RU_InfSection_AA_VDV","CUP_O_RU_InfSection_AA_VDV_EMR","CUP_O_ChDKZ_InfSection_AA","CUP_O_TK_InfantrySectionAA","CUP_O_TK_MILITIA_AATeam","CUP_O_SLA_InfantrySectionAA","OPF_mas_med_InfTeam_AA_o","OPF_mas_medins_InfTeam_AA_o","OPF_mas_ira_InfTeam_AA_o","OPF_mas_med_InfTeam_AA_o_hd","OPF_mas_medinshd_InfTeam_AA_o","OPF_mas_irahd_InfTeam_AA_o_hd","IND_mas_med_InfTeam_AA_i_hd","IND_mas_medinshd_InfTeam_AA_i"];

    ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = ["I_Soldier_AA_F","I_Soldier_AAA_F","O_Soldier_AA_F","O_Soldier_AAA_F","O_soldierU_AA_F","O_soldierU_AAA_F","CUP_O_RU_Soldier_AA_EMR","CUP_O_RU_Soldier_AA_VDV","CUP_O_RU_Soldier_AA_VDV_EMR","O_mas_med_Army_AA_F","I_mas_med_Army_AA_F","B_mas_med_Army_AA_F","O_mas_ira_Army_AA_F","O_mas_med_Insu_AA_F","I_mas_med_Insu_AA_F","O_mas_med_Armyhd_AA_F","I_mas_med_Armyhd_AA_F","B_mas_med_Armyhd_AA_F","O_mas_irahd_Army_AA_F","O_mas_med_Insuhd_AA_F","I_mas_med_Insuhd_AA_F"];

    ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_VEHICLEBLACKLIST = ["O_static_AA_F","I_static_AA_F","O_AA_01_weapon_F","I_AA_01_weapon_F","CUP_KA50_AA_Base","CUP_O_Ka50_AA_SLA","CUP_O_Ka50_AA_RU","CUP_Igla_AA_pod_Base","CUP_I_Igla_AA_pod_AAF","CUP_I_RBS70_AA_pod_AAF","I_mas_Igla_AA_pod_Base","I_mas_Igla_AA_pod_AAF","O_mas_Igla_AA_pod_AAF","I_mas_Stinger_AA_pod_Base","I_mas_Stinger_AA_pod_AAF","B_mas_Stinger_AA_pod_AAF","I_mas_med_static_AA_F","O_mas_med_static_AA_F","O_mas_ira_static_AA_F","CUP_O_Igla_AA_pod_RU","CUP_O_Igla_AA_pod_TK"];

    ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = ["I_Soldier_AA_F","I_Soldier_AAA_F","O_Soldier_AA_F","O_Soldier_AAA_F","O_soldierU_AA_F","O_soldierU_AAA_F","CUP_O_RU_Soldier_AA_EMR","CUP_O_RU_Soldier_AA_VDV","CUP_O_RU_Soldier_AA_VDV_EMR","O_mas_med_Army_AA_F","I_mas_med_Army_AA_F","B_mas_med_Army_AA_F","O_mas_ira_Army_AA_F","O_mas_med_Insu_AA_F","I_mas_med_Insu_AA_F","O_mas_med_Armyhd_AA_F","I_mas_med_Armyhd_AA_F","B_mas_med_Armyhd_AA_F","O_mas_irahd_Army_AA_F","O_mas_med_Insuhd_AA_F","I_mas_med_Insuhd_AA_F"];

  14. highhead

    4 May 2016 Administrator

    Also I added 2 new functions to help you find units/vehicles/groups more easily.

    _groupTypes = ["AA_" (string to searchfor), INDEPENDENT (side or faction)] call ALiVE_fnc_groupFinder;
    _objectTypes = [configFile >> "cfgVehicles" (config path), "_AA" (string to searchfor)] call ALiVE_fnc_configFindEntries;

    those arrays can basically be easily read and copypasted to whatever blacklist you like.

  15. Thanks HH added that shit to wiki yo


  16. Ace thanks for doing the leg work @highhead

  17. Edited 8 years ago by Kipod

    Not sure about this.

    a.) Used the Blacklist to get rid of all AA Missile units using Massi's African Conflict (Vehicles).

    b.) Once is a while, it looks as if a Missile is taking down a chopper - the chopper deploys flares, but something hits it.

    c.) Lots of RPGs being fired into the air. OK. No big deal, but if you look in Massi's HiLux's they are packed with Anti-Air missiles (titan).

    d.) ....or also, I had both the Massi's African Conflict (Vehicles) as well as just the one without vehicles loaded.


  18. .... and we're back! Feeling like a bit of a prat.

    Turns out that I did not know there was a AA soldier in the African Insurgents, as opposed to the African Liberation Army!! - Detail will kill you.

    .....it also killed all those men coming to save me, when Mirror-Two was shot down over Alikampos last night with all 12 KIA. Sorry lads. I should have blacklisted better!

  19. Glad to hear it is fixed!

  20. I hate to drag up an old thread but I am wanting to make sure I put this in the correct place.

    According to the wiki ; If I put this code below into the ALiVE_sys_Profile init it should work to remove just the individual units??? http://pastebin.com/dbhegJCf

    ALiVE_MIL_CQB_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = ["shgplaforces_infantry_shg_pla_sof_recon_team","shgplaforces_specops_shg_pla_sof_detachment","shgplaforces_specops_shg_pla_south_blade","shgplaforces_infantry_shg_pla_sniper_single","shgplaforces_specops_shg_pla_sniper_team","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_TL_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_Demo_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_Rifleman_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_Grenadier_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_AR_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_Medic_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_DM_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_Commo_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_Scout_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_AR_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_Rifleman_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_Sniper_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_SOF_Spotter_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_South_Blade_TL_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_South_Blade_Commo_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_South_Blade_Demo_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_South_Blade_DM_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_South_Blade_Medic_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_South_Blade_Scout_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_Weapons_AA_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_Asst_AT_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_Weapons_AT_02","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_HQ_Officer_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_Jet_Pilot_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_Helicopter_Pilot_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_Navy_Crewman_01","O_SHGPLAForces_SHG_PLA_Weapons_AA_01"];

    However what about individual groups that I don't want to be put into the CQB aspect? For instance I have some sniper teams placed in there that are 2 man groups and I would not want them walking around with bolt action rifles or long range optics running CQB against my players. So how do I exclude them from being generated by the CQB module?

    Thanks in advance.

  21. There are four different blacklists: Unit, Vehicle, CQB, and Group. You need to separate yours into those. See wiki here .

    The CQB blacklists (what you have) will prevent individual units from being spawned in CQB. So if you want snipers to be excluded, add them in there.

    If you want a certain group (for example sniper team) to be excluded, add them to group blacklist. As far as I understand, CQB module does not spawn groups at all, but individual units based on positions inside buildings.

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