This orbat tool is a bad joke, the wiki for it is pretty darned outdated. The tutorial videos are from 2016, and following those to the letter does not work, and it seems to even get a faction to work, you still need to manually edit the code generated by the orbat tool. I for one would like to see this removed from Alive until such a time as it works as it should. If it worked as advertised, everybody and their uncle would be uploading factions to the workshop. Internet searches find nothing but complaints in regards to a wide multitude of errors people get trying to create a faction using this tool. And even this forum talks about how the wiki is wrong and so forth. And if one is able to get the orbat tool to work as advertised, I would love to see new tutorial videos, that actually show the faction created in those tutorials actually works in alive, without errors, and without needed manual coding. it's a waste of time having a module that only partially works, and that drags down the whole alive and arma experience.