VCom and ALiVE

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  2. 6 years ago

    VCOM just keeps getting better and better. Since I upgraded to the latest version a few days ago, I've noticed AI are very good at hiding out in buildings. Close quarters combat is really fun with this mod. It's more fun now to just hang out in cities because you never know what's behind that door.

  3. @JD_Wang No I'm using the updated Steam version. Ill try the fourms version though.

  4. Hi JD, the steam version is the same date I checked. I haven't checked whether or not Vcom takes control of your air assets I do know that they will respond to your orders every time. So even if Vcom takes over I don't realy mind because I kind like the idea that my CO deployes hus assets to support all the troops. My latest mission usess CUP units and the only arty are morters and they do not run off.

    I am interested to find out if the script version works differentbthen steam version.

  5. Checked. Vcom v3.0 does take over air assets. Not a problem. Per se for the CAS but the transport could get conflicting orders and refuse to pick you up.

  6. Edited 6 years ago by JD_Wang

    That's weird considering genesis says the code doesn't influence aircraft at all.
    I suppose you could use (group this) setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true]; in the code line of each support module to doubly make sure. But like I say we've been running our current mission for over a week now with not a single support aircraft taking off unless it was requested.

  7. Well a question. When the transport was taken over the base had been overrun by the enemy. It took off and loitered in the vicinity. So I. Figure it maybe the AI responding to the situation and then Vcom takes over. So was your base ever taken over or did enemy units close to it?

    Seriously swaging it here.

  8. Yeah we've had to repel a Russian infantry squad which snuck into our base, mounted one of the vehicles in our motor pool and start using the .50 cal to lay waste. We've also had the odd SU-25 that stray's out of it's ATO and tries to rocket run our helicopters. Still yet to see the AI ALiVE supports take off on their own.

  9. Well I will try the script version then.

  10. @RedeyeStorm you might actually be right. I logged in tonight and found 3 choppers hovering over the base. Now I can't 100% rule out my player base doing that, they're really good at doing dumb shit.

    I had people complaining the vehicles weren't respawning, turned out it was because none of them were damaged they had just been driven out and left all over the map.

    On the plus side I could still give the choppers move and RTB orders which they followed. That's a bonus, but I'll bring it up with genesis.

  11. Yes that describes my experience as well. I only had an issue with the transport helicopter that stayed in loiter mode and did not execute the 'pick-up' command. Might have solved it if I had given it a 'move' command first but just thought of that one!

  12. @JD_Wang @RedeyeStorm in our current mission we are using 3.0 and have not had a problem with any thing like that. In fact we had a QRF early on in the mission from our BLUFOR AI support element that did an air assault into a town to support our players while they were being assaulted by a massive insurgent force on Reshmaan. Other than the BLUFOR AI spawning in and using the wrong helos for the mission they did everything else correctly. They landed both Ghosthawks in open areas outside the town and then waited until the troops were all out before lifting off. Then they flew limited gun support with their door gunners as they were on their exfil route from the LZ.

  13. Yeah it seems all good now, I finished making a mostly Vanilla mission (just ACE and TFAR) and we kicked that off a couple of weeks ago. So far everything is running well and VCOM is great. Seeing AI commandeer vehicles is kind of cool as well. We even had a viper squad roll up on us in an Ambulance the other night :)

  14. @Nichols @JD_Wang @RedeyeStorm in our current mission we are using 3.0 and have not had a problem with any thing like that. In fact we had a QRF early on in the mission from our BLUFOR AI support element that did an air assault into a town to support our players while they were being assaulted by a massive insurgent force on Reshmaan. Other than the BLUFOR AI spawning in and using the wrong helos for the mission they did everything else correctly. They landed both Ghosthawks in open areas outside the town and then waited until the troops were all out before lifting off. Then they flew limited gun support with their door gunners as they were on their exfil route from the LZ.

    That sounds like it's out of a fucking movie! Wild stuff.

  15. I can affirm, VCom AI V3 is taking command of combat support helicopters. I am making a pretty good alive mission and when I went to check out the airport ingame, all my apaches, and blackhawks were flying around and hovering randomly.

  16. Discussion for that up again tho? I am not sure if VCOM is hijacking my pilots.

    I had two issue. The Reinforcement Helicopters sometime stalled in the air not moving. And the other part was my transport pilot not reacting to my landing command. For the last issue I am not sure if it was an issue which telling the transport to have Rules of Engagement on FIRE AT WILL. I kinda think the transport searched for a fight rather than dropping units.

    So I am still unsure about VCOM

  17. I am not xertra. Vcom does hijack your assets. But if you put in the code JD_Wang posts on 21st of may you should see a difference immediatly.

  18. I use that code and it doesn't work all the time, nor most of the time. There is another code (prob located in the same thread you reference) that you can place in each AI in the A/C, which I use also, and that doesn't help either - at least not much.

    A work around; tell the hovering a/c to 'move' , or give a S&D mission, and give a location/waypoint. After a/c moves to the specified location, send a command to RTB. That usually works.

    Good day!

  19. I turned off both ACE and VCOM AI in my mission, and either one of them was causing horrible script errors and game crashes. I wouldn't recommend using this unless ALiVE or VCOM AI tries to fix it.

  20. Edited 6 years ago by cbff33

    I too, am removing VCOM AI from this mission I am creating. I think VCOM AI would be well worth it in a true MP scenario on a server. But as far as a SP mission, and trying to use ALive, VCOM AI is just killing me. I love how the AI act, but not the AI that are in my squad. My AI squad members are in turmoil. I've never seen this behavior in Alive, and this is the first time using VCOM AI with it. I can tell they are responding to my commands and wanting to follow the VCOM AI commands they are receiving. And my CAS and Transport aircraft are all doing wonky stuff. Not obeying my commands, delayed response, refusing to RTB and hanging over the battlefield until shot down. VCOM AI 3.0 seems to still be a bit crappy, at least when it comes to SP, where you have to rely on your AI squad members. Shame, because I can see the potential. But it just sucks with Alive. Back to ASR AI for me.

  21. And I gotta agree with DrDetroit. I put in the suggested script into my combat support aircraft, and it didn't do diddly squat to improve anything.

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