Hi longtime lurker here
Can anyone confirm that NOAI and NOPATHING solutions actually work for the pilot issues and it's not just my code?
{ _x setVariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING", true];
_x setVariable ["NOAI", true];
} forEach (crew _x);
} forEach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf 'Air'});
}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
Based on what I've read on the net and the documentation, this is supposed to work. It seems to too initially but after about ten(ish) minutes or so I see some move waypoints on the map and my CAS and transports flying towards them. This is with just ALiVE, CBA, and VCOM AI.
Oops looks like I forgot Unit after NOPATHING
Also found that there seems to be a difference with Github and non github versions where it is NOAI from github and VCOM_NOAI if not from github