VCom and ALiVE

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  2. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    Heads up for everyone,

    We are using the latest VCOM update (updated last week) and it is by far the best AI mod I've used, much more so than ASR AI.

    We're running UNSUNG on our server and Genesis, as a matter of fact, has been playing with us (creator of VCOM).

    The AI will also deploy support units (mortar teams, artillery pieces, etc.) and blast the ever living hell out of you when it gets clear indication of your position.

    The AI will also use smoke rounds to cover an assault.

    It's a wonderful combination with the ALiVE OPCOM and creates a very aggressive and determined opponent in campaigns.

    VERY VERY impressive stuff. Flying units work very well with zero issues as well.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Wow nice. In that sort of intense way where I'll probably die a zillion times. I'll have to hop on with you guys and stress out whoever's the medic. :)

    Do you still need to put in any kind of code for ALiVE use? If so can you post it here (I think he changed it when someone was reporting problems a week or so ago so the wiki would probably need to be updated again).

    And what do you think, yay or nay for insurgencies?

  4. We're using it for my "Vanilla Insurgency" and it works great. Initially I used the shared presets to increase the difficulty, but then they became too accurate and deadly. Now we're back to default settings and it's awesome.

    Easily the best AI mod out there. AI are smart and effective without being insanely difficult.

    I'm also running it alongside Persians "Injured AI" script which allows AI which are shot to not die outright, but instead writhe in pain crying out for help, then it gives a chance other AI will attempt to drag them to cover while popping more smoke.

    Combine the 2 with say the bloodlust mod and you get some really intense, visceral firefights.

  5. Friznit

    12 Jan 2017 Administrator

    Good news to hear Genesis is playing ALiVE missions. Hopefully that will encourage more compatibility testing!

  6. ​[
    			If (!isNull (driver _x) ) then {
    					if !(_x getVariable ["NOAI",false];) then
    						_x setVariable ["NOAI", true, false];
    				} foreach (units group (driver _x));
    		} Foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf "Helicopter"});
    ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler

    Genesis just posted this as the most current code to use in a helicopter init for it to be ignored by VCOM.

  7. If that looks kinda hacky because I copy/pasted it from my phone, here is the page with the source:

  8. So post that in the player combat support code field?

  9. Init.sqf

  10. Deleted 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  11. So I've posted that in my init.sqf, and I get an error.

    If (!isNull (driver _x) ) then {
     8:26:35   Error position: <[
    If (!isNull (driver _x) ) then {
     8:26:35   Error Generic error in expression

    Anyone else ever get this? I posted over at BIS forums but Genesis hasn't replied yet.

  12. Don't trust my copy pasting skills! I do it on my phone!

    Get the code from the thread. It's possible he's even updated it and he seems like a good guy that can help you if it still doesn't work.

  13. No that's where I copied it from, was just wondering if anyone else had this problem. See if I can get some information from him.

  14. I responded to you on BI thread, @patpowercat but for good measure...

          If (!isNull (driver _x) ) then {
              if !(_x getVariable ["NOAI",false]) then
                _x setVariable ["NOAI", true, false];
            } foreach (units group (driver _x));
        } Foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf "Helicopter"});
    ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
  15. Thanks!

  16. {_x setvariable ["NOAI",true];_x setvariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",true];} foreach (Crew this);

    I know this is the recommended way of making VCOM not work on a unit/vehicle. However, if I put this in the code spot for ALiVE combat supports I get the following error:

     8:27:13 Error in expression <_x setvariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",tr>
     8:27:13   Error position: <_x setvariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",tr>
     8:27:13   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x

    I have also tried using _this instead of this in the code, same result. For normal editor placed units it seems to function, so this seems to be specific to the ALiVE modules. Anyone have this or able to reproduce it?

  17. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    If you're using the module then crew this probably returns garbage. Not sure what to use with the module though.

  18. @AUTigerGrad would know

    Also, yesterday Genesis posted that he plans to make it automatically detect ALiVE at some point to make it more user friendly.

    I will also be adding in automatic disabling of any units tagged with "ALIVE_CombatSupport" so that people will not have headaches with support vehicles and Vcom as well.

  19. Edited 8 years ago by Dreamytebag

    Hi Guys,

    Long time reader of this the passion you guys have for this mod. Anyho I found a solution to the Vcom conflict with the CAS and Air Transports going all funky (although maybe it has been answered already somewhere else).

    Simply create the Vehicle (crewed not empty), sync it to the Combat Support Module, then place the following in the Vehicle INIT (not to be confused with the Group INIT),

    this setvariable ["CS_TYPE","CAS"]; //Type can be "TRANSPORT" or "CAS" or "HYBRID"


    this setvariable ["CS_CALLSIGN","Your Callsign"]; //Callsign of the unit
    this setvariable ["CS_HEIGHT",_height]; //Altitude of the landing site
    this setvariable ["CS_CODE","persistent _code as 'string';"] //custom init line code
    this setVariable ["CS_SLINGLOADING", false]; //disables sling loading on transport helis
    this setVariable ["CS_CONTAINERS",0]; //number of crates to spawn around a transport heli (0 to disable)

    Then place the following in every crewmember of the of that vehicle,

    this setVariable ["NOAI",1,false];

    Did some quick testing with lots of action going on around me (guns, missiles, etc) and the AI Transport and CAS behaved exactly as expected.

    LOVE this mod, cannot thank the DEVs and forum contributors enough for their hard work helping the rest of us noobs get the most out of this mod.

    Edit - This does not require the use of a Transport or CAS module. Just the Combat Support Module.

  20. 7 years ago

    For each crew I added this setVariable ["NOAI",1,false];this setVariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",1,false];

    For some reason just putting this setVariable ["NOAI",1,false]; still made the AI take off and go somewhere else.

  21. I think

    [{{Driver _x setvariable ["NOAI",true];} foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf 'air'});}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

    in the init still works doesnt it?

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